Our Goal

At Field TechTalk, our mission is to empower independent field IT technicians by providing the tools, resources, and connections they need to grow their business. We help technicians secure more clients, increase their earnings, and take control of their careers—without relying on marketplace platforms. By offering direct access to valuable industry insights and opportunities, we ensure IT professionals can build sustainable, profitable businesses on their own terms.

Find Out How

Comming Soon!

Field TechTalk is expanding beyond the Direct Client Package to bring you a powerful new program designed to help independent IT technicians establish and grow their own business. This upcoming program will provide step-by-step guidance on building a strong foundation, securing long-term clients, and scaling operations to a regional and national levels. Stay tuned as we prepare to launch this game-changing resource, giving you the tools and strategies to take your IT business to the next stage of success!

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The Direct Client Package

Regular price $197.00 USD
Sale price $490.00 USD

Here’s what another tech’s have to say after using the Direct Client Package

I have signed up with only 10 of the clients from the list and I already have too much on my plate. It’s only been less than a month and I have already developed great relationships with some of the clients who are sending me steady work.

Craig Bowman

Independent IT technician
Louisville, KY

I’ve always wanted to shift away from third party platforms like Field Nation because of the fees and the low rates and the Direct Client List has helped me tremendously. Granted, I’ve always had my own clients that I work with directly, but now I have so much more opportunities and I have the chance to pick and choose the best projects for me.

Dan Nguyen

Low-Voltage Technician
Wichita, KS

We have a crew of 6 techs based in Austin, TX and it’s always been a challenge to fill out the calendars with work for all of them. We decided to try out the Direct Client List and we’ve never been busier. Not all the clients send us work, but the ones that do, are definitely keeping us engaged throughout all week. Great rates as well!

Mohamed Abdi

Owner & Operator
Skywire Solutions, LLC
Austin, TX

I signed up with almost all the clients and it took a while to get my first call. I reached out to Field TechTalk support and they helped me get in contact with the right people and I started getting work orders in no-time. I still use Field Nation as I still have some decent clients over there, but I can honestly say I’m much more comfortable by doing work directly with clients as I don’t have to spend time requesting or counter offering on platforms and I don’t have to give away 10% of the money I make.

Luis Rivera

Networking Field Technician
San Diego, CA

What a great new stream of revenue this has been for us. The market had been rough for us lately and we weren’t getting a lot of projects from our own clients, until we decided to give a shot to the Direct Client List which was supposed to help us grow our client base, and it delivered. Immediately when I saw the list, I noticed a couple of our own clients there, and I knew instantly that it was going to be of great value for us. Now, 3 months later, we’ve made over $45,000 from these clients, and we’ve got 5 large projects lined up.

Jonathan Barberi

Founder GDT Solutions Rochester, NY

Ready To Elevate Your IT Contracting Business?

Find out how our Direct Client Package can help you scale to new heights

Direct Client Package